pistachio price in Russia Moskow

pistachio price in Russia Moskow

We determine the Pistachio price in Russia Moskow by the type and quality of pistachio. The most important pistachio varieties in the Russian market include Fandoghi, Ahmad Ahaghi and Akbari.

Russia is located in the northern region of the planet, and far from the equator. So, in most seasons, it has cold weather. The same has led to the fact that agriculture in some parts of the country, despite having a large extent, does not develop much. Therefore, Russia needs to import it from other countries to supply the food needed by its people. One of the countries that supplies a variety of agricultural and food products to Russia is Iran.


Pistachio price in Russia

Among various food products, pistachios are one of the most important agricultural products that Iran exports to Russia. Among the different types and qualities of pistachios, what are the appropriate figures for the Russian market?

The Russian market of consumption from different pistachios is often select the three pistachios:

  • Ahmad Aghaei
  • Fandogi
  • And Akbari.

Given that the price is a very important parameter for Russian merchants, the mechanically opened varieties are often chosen by the Russian businessmen among different qualities. Of course, in Akbari pistachio exports to Russia, we suggest our customers choose the naturally opened type. Because most mechanically opened pistachios, if roasted, the brain is separated from its skin and so the product will not qualify for sale.

Therefore, we will announce the price of pistachios in Russia depending on which customers want which pistachios. If secondary processing, you request roasting and salting of pistachios, we will, according to the duty, estimate the side costs and inform the customer.

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