roasted unsalted pistachio nuts

roasted unsalted pistachio nuts

The roasted unsalted pistachio nuts, salt, saffron, lemon juice, vegetables, pepper, and … are from the types of roasted pistachio in consumer markets.

Pistachio nuts are different types and flavors.In total, we can put the pistachios in two main groups.

  • The flavored roasted pistachios
  • The roasted pistachio

During the roasting of pistachios, we use most of the additives in the flavor group. These additives include salt, saffron, lemon, pepper and so on. In some cases, a customer wants pistachios that have not been used with additives such as salt. This product “roasted unsalted pistachio nuts” refers to the second group mentioned above.

The taste of the destination country in choice of roasted pistachio type

The type of pistachio and also the processing done on it depends on the taste of the destination country. For example, EU countries want a kind of pistachio in which additives such as pepper and several other additives are used in combination.

Also country like Russia, it likes salted pistachio. And also some countries prefer raw pistachios. Or some people like roasted unsalted pistachio nuts.

This is one of the important issues that the trader should take care of. And, according to the taste of the consumer market in the country, he orders the product.

By providing the full details contains:

  • The pistachio type
  • The processing and packaging method

and …, the seller can prepare the most suitable product as quickly as possible.

You can contact our sales specialist if you would like to find out about our various pistachio models and our offer.
Also Our Way of Communication: Please contact us.

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