pistachio export price per kilo
To estimate pistachio export price, we need to consider the pistachio quality in addition to the estimated export costs and apply at the final pistachio price per kilo.
In the estimation of pistachio export price we consider various parameters. When selling pistachios in the domestic market of our country, the cost of sales is lower. Sometimes this cost is limited to shipping costs. But this is not the case in pistachio exports. Therefore, in estimating the pistachio export price, we need to know every issue that generates the cost and consider the pistachio export price. We want to say these things below.
Estimated pistachio export price
To estimation pistachio export price, in addition to the price of the product, we must also consider the following costs.
- Secondary processing costs on the product: These costs include packaging or re-separating the product to enhance high quality. Also, the roasting process is also in the secondary processing group if the customer requests it.
- The load and send cost to the customs in the country of origin
- Customs clearance fees and analysis and testing on pistachio cargo. And issuing relevant certificates.
- The cost of loading and sending to the destination country
- The cost of discharging in the destination country
- Customs clearance fee in the destination country plus the costs of the relevant tests and inspections
- Shipping costs to pistachio importer’s warehouse
As you can see, pistachio export sales are more expensive. Pistachio seller and buyer of pistachios during the negotiation will determine which costs will be borne by the buyer and which costs will be borne by the seller. Also, at what stage is the responsibility transferred to the buyer? Therefore, the vendor puts forward additional costs in the declaration of pistachio export price. And he will announce the pistachio export price to the buyer.
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