over green slivered pistachios in Iran

over green slivered pistachios in Iran

The over green slivered pistachios in Iran, produced annually in high volume and in addition to consumption in the market of Iran, goes to the consumption market of different countries.

Pistachio slice is one of the pistachio products that is intended for use in food industry units. Food industry units use pistachio slices in their products for two reasons. The first reason is to use it as a flavor and the second reason is a good raw material for decorating the product.

Use of green slivered pistachios in food industry units

  1. Improving the taste of the product: Pistachio is one of the best fruit grains used to improve flavor in the food industry. This product has a unique flavor and aroma.
  2. To decorate and beauty of the product: Pulled beads and regular slivered pistachios give a special beauty to the product. This led to the fact that the units of food industry, among the various types of pistachio products, choose a pistachio slice. The pistachio slice is one of the most expensive pistachio products. The green color of the pistachio slice also has a positive effect on the beauty and desire to consume a product.

As we have mentioned, one of the reasons for using pistachio slices in food industry units is to decorate the produce. Why is pistachio slice as a decorating material worth paying attention to food industry units?

Two are the most important reasons. We mentioned the two above:

  • Pulled and regular pistachio slices
  • Also the green color of the pistachio slice

The importance of the green color of the slivered pistachios

The green color of the pistachio and its size are important points. The pistachio slice is greener, the pistachio slice has a higher quality.

Color parameter is one of several main parameters in determining the final price of pistachio slice. As we said, the more pistachio color is greener, the higher its quality. In this way, the price of pistachio sprouts will be higher.

The Ghazvin pistachio brain has a very green color. For this reason, despite its higher price than other slivered pistachios, Ghazvin pistachio slice has its own customers.

You can contact us to order a pistachio slice. We offer pistachios in two different qualities.

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