walnut kernel weight
Walnut kernel weight per kilogram of peanut walnut is one of the factors that determines walnut quality and its price. We can even use this walnut kernel weight factor to determine the quality of walnuts in terms of its shrinkage. The higher the number and the ratio, the lower the amount of walnut shell shrinkage.
We can use various factors to check walnut kernel weight. Considering the thickness of the walnut wood along with the walnuts per kilogram, along with the appearance of the walnut in terms of wrinkling, can be a measure of walnut kernel weight. In fact, by examining these parameters, we can determine walnut kernel weight per kilogram of walnut without breaking walnuts.
But in order to check the quality of the walnut and to determine the quality of the walnut in color, it is necessary to randomly sample and measure the walnut cargo.
Check walnut kernel weight
To do this, we will randomly select some of the different parts of the consignment. Then we break the walnut and separate the wood skin. By examining the walnut weight of the walnut weight we can determine the percentage of nuts in the brain, which is a very important factor in determining the walnut price per kilogram. This factor is very important in determining the price of walnuts.
This factor is very important in determining the price of walnuts. The percentage of brain wrapping in the walnut is in the normal range between 45 to 55 and at times 35 to 65 percent.
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