Pistachio price in china
The pistachio price is very important for Chinese merchants when buying a product. The price of pistachios in China is the first issue they are considering in their talks.
According to statistics, China is the largest pistachio importer in the world. The global imports of pistachios, as seen in the picture below, give rise to this issue. Also, pistachio consumption and pistachio exports also show that the country exports a percentage of pistachios after importing it again. That is, re-exports of pistachios. (You see this statistics in pictures – Source of statistics: International Nuts Council).

imports pistachio – source: INC

Consumption of pistachios – source: INC

pistachio export countries – source: INC
What is the most important issue Chinese businessmen are considering buying bulk pistachios?
Pistachios price to import to China
China imports both pistachios from Iran and the United States. According to a Chinese businessman at a meeting of the International Consortium of Nuts, the most important issue that Chinese businessmen pay attention to is the price of pistachios. Therefore, price is the main parameter of competition in the Chinese pistachio market.
In fact, the first question asked by Chinese traders from a pistachio exporter is, is the price of these pistachios delivered in China?
Of course, along with the pistachio price, the quality of the product in terms of pistachio health should be acceptable and in accordance with the standards of China. Without paying attention to this, the failure of the trade and the arrival of the product will lead to China.
Anata Nuts company is one of the Iranian pistachio exporters who is ready to cooperate with all countries of the world, including Asian countries.
List of products by Anata Nuts Co: Catalog.
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